Browse All Teaching Activities

This is a list of all lesson plans, in alphabetical order.

24 and the Ticking Time Bomb

Bernhard Schlink’s The Reader: Holocaust, Justice, and Guilt in Literature

Children’s Rights in the United States

Debate: The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Nuremberg Trials 

Domestic Violence in the United States

Examining the Impact of Perpetrator Narratives on the Quest for Truth and Justice

Human Rights and Animal Rights

Interdisciplinary Book Panel Discussions

Law, Society, and Human Rights

Migration and Human Rights: The Ethics of Alterity and the Inclusion of the Other

Persepolis and Women’s Rights

The Bystanders

Transnational Corporations and Human Rights 

UDHR ‘Generations of Rights’ Classification

Women’s Rights as Human Rights 

Worst of the Worst: Human Rights Abuses by States